Saturday, July 16, 2011

Little dog in the big world

I thought I'd write a quick update while both my favorite men sleep in the other room. They were both up before the sun, so no wonder they're tired!

The morning started off loudly, with a yappy puppy in a crate. So we took him out and played with him for a bit, but he decided he wanted to investigate the cat who was walking by. Man, that could've been a disaster! But Orent did so well. We held him back so he wouldn't chase Robot the cat, and Robot just sat there and looked at him funny. Then they parted ways. All around, a good first meeting between a dog who was not on a leash and my furry cat!

Then, we took Orent to the Clark Park farmer's market, where he met lots of dogs and all kinds of people. He did really well. Mostly, he wanted to chew on everything - dirt, grass, mulch, tree seed pods, ears of corn... basically whatever was within 5 feet of him. He even wanted to drink my iced coffee, which of course is totally against the rules because coffee is toxic to dogs. He played with toddlers who stuck their hands in his food and kids on skateboards and puppies and other dogs. When one dog borrowed his squeaky toy, Orent just sat there. He's not even a little bit possessive! Best of all, he got to meet the Cupcake Lady, after staring longingly at her truck.

After the Farmer's Market adventure, we took the lil dude to Fishtown to visit our friend Jaice, who was having a sidewalk sale of their stuff to have money to go to Portland and Georgia. I'd promised Jaice that they could meet Orent, and he was super. I also bought a really ridiculous hat that he hated to wear. I never got a photo of him in the hat. Next time...

It was so hot! Mostly Orent just sat on the sidewalk and panted. But he did meet some new people and new dogs. Nothing phases this puppy - even a dog barking at him! He did, however, manage to knock his water bowl all over and make a huge mess to play in. Everyone thought it was cute.

He even got to play with apron strings, as long as he didn't tug - and he didn't! I am constantly amazed at how chill and relaxed the puppy is.

Finally, we went home. He was so sleepy! So I brushed his coat with the nifty zoom groom brush, and then cradled him. One minute, he was whiney and fussy and barking. The next, he was sound asleep in my arms - just like a toddler! It was the sweetest thing ever. 

I think I just might just love this dog!


  1. All but the first photo in this blog were by me, Max. Sometimes Kaytee and I switch jobs I guess.

  2. Orent seems like he's part pig. Every time he gets a water bowl outside, he makes a mudpit!
