Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last thing -- "Like" this photo please

I just found out a photo I took of Orent is up for CCI's holiday card photo. Whoever gets the most "likes" on Facebook wins! So far Orent's winning, but only by a bit. Help us land him a major deal in holiday card publishing by clicking this photo, then "liking" it on Facebook.

Two posts in less than 2 hours? How lucky are you!?!

Yea, we know, we have been bad puppy writers. But between a teenage dog, a new 7-year-old pomeranian, and buying a house (gasp!), we've been a teeny tiny bit busy. But now we have news!

Orent just returned home from a 10-day road trip all the way to Iowa and back. On his trip, he performed his role of dutiful service-dog-in-training to a T. He waited patiently under restaurant booths, slept soundly in the backseat, slept soundly in his crate, slept soundly on family members' floors... and did I mention he slept soundly in a Kinkos?

But by far the best moment of the whole trip was when we got to ditch Orent for a day in the caring hands of Carol and Becca, who work at Max's Grandma's nursing home. Orent spent the day visiting with various older people who were in the Health Center for people who need more on-going care. It was a smashing success for Orent. I think it's best to just let our email update from Max's aunt tell the story:
A great day for all! Orent was a big hit - one lady who never seems to notice things or come out of her room came out twice to see him. They walked around and visited people in rooms, people were thrilled to pet him. Best part - he seemed to have special affinity for alzheimer's patients. One in particular walked with him often. Others just seemed to really enjoy his company. They were thrilled that he loved to put his head on their laps. 
After lunch, he came in from his walk into the office and wanted to head up to your room - he remembered which room it was and headed to his crate for an hour and a half nap. 
A number of the staff were really taken with the idea of the program. Carol Enfield looked up his blog and more about the program.  I think she would love to have a dog at the home. 
Trouble the cat made sure that the residents didn't forget him. He marched around and made his presence known while Orent was being introduced and petted. Orent was unconcerned about Trouble.
All around, a successful road trip with the labrador. He only has 2 months and 2 weeks left with us before turn-in... it's amazing how time has flown!

More photos are up on Orent's Facebook page - Facebook.com/OrentII


Orent & the gang have had a busy summer, but we promised stories from the Finger Lakes and pre-school, so we'll share some highlights.

  • Orent learned to swim! We took him and Brady to play in a creek and they both thought that was highly over-rated. Who wants to go plunging into cold water that's suddenly really deep? No-one but Max, apparently. So we thought, "gee, our water-loving Labrador's kind of a wimp..." and were sad. Turns out, we just hadn't found the right approach. The next day (warmer!) we took Orent to one of the Finger Lakes, where there was a looooong, shallow entrance into the lake, nice and warm. There, he loved dolphin-leaping out for thrown sticks and swimming back with them proudly. And then wiping his face on strangers' towels (sorry kind strangers!!!) Now that we're back home he pretend-swims in kiddy pools, laying on his belly and splashing his front legs purposefully.
  • Both dogs were troopers in the car, with Orent sprawled peacefully across the whole back seat, and Brady learning to sit patiently in the passenger's lap, no matter who that passenger was.

  • Pre-school was a great success. Orent was fine, being pretty brave around kids of all levels of enthusiasm, and keeping his calm focus on Kaytee (and her bag of kibble) the whole time, while I talked about his life and answered questions. Below he shows off "lap" 

  • He even got thank-you notes!